
Change your relationship with food (bonus: recipe!)

by Kate Kinne | May 22, 2020

Since my last blog, I've had a lot of discussions about the hunger scale and eating only when hungry, with my family and others.  It sounds like an easy concept, but life just gets in the way and so many respond with food, I think it is the biggest challenge when it comes to weight control.  I remembered this video I saw a few years ago by Registered Dietitian Eve Lahijani who was able to change her relationship with food.  She is easy to listen to and has a great message, please check out her Ted Talk if you are interested.  It's only about 10 minutes, scroll to the bottom of the page.    

This is unrelated, but I also have been loving this recipe, we made it twice in two weeks.  A cheesy, sausage pasta is not usually on my list of healthy recipes to recommend.  However, it is a good example of how modifying a recipe can improve the nutrition by lowering saturated fat and calories.   Pair it with a good pile of steamed broccoli or a salad for a healthy meal.  

Spicy Sausage Pasta 
I used an andouille chicken sausage, much leaner than regular sausage
Instead of heavy cream, I used the 1% milk I had in the fridge
I only buy 2% reduced fat cheese, I used colby jack

Wednesday, May 27 is National Senior Healthy and Fitness Day.  We are putting together a virtual program for you, please stay tuned to Galter LifeCenter for details!   I'll be doing an easy summer oven-free meal cooking demo at 11:30am via Zoom, hope you can join me!

Healthy Regards, 


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On my 30th birthday I decided to change my health trajectory by joining Galter's Fundamental Fitness program. The personal trainers taught me a holistic approach to health (it's not all about the sweat!), the dietician worked with me to find a non-punitive approach to nutrition, and the massage therapist introduced me to better post-workout care. Now, each time I come to Galter as a member I feel healthier, stronger, part of a positive community and full of life." – Tasha