David Modica | Mar 04, 2016
When you’ve found something special, it’s natural to want to share it. On Maurice Terenzio’s 60th birthday, he and his wife Diane received a pair of passes to Galter LifeCenter’s Fundamental Fitness class from close friends. What they found at Galter LifeCenter inspired them to share their story!

From the start, the medical-minded approach of Galter LifeCenter was extremely important to the couple. An initial fitness evaluation confirmed their suspicion that neither was as healthy as they would have liked, revealing high cholesterol and triglycerides. “I didn’t choose to come to Galter LifeCenter because I wanted to lose weight, although I assumed that I would,” Diane said. “It was the fact that all of the little day to day activities were becoming difficult for me. I couldn’t cross my legs, and even putting on my socks was becoming a challenge.”
Maurice and Diane committed to completing the Fundamental Fitness curriculum, an eight-week course which allows new members to learn about health, fitness and wellness in a supportive and encouraging environment, and were soon glad they did. “I think Fundamental Fitness is a great program,” said Maurice. “Everyone who starts here should try it. It gives you two months to see if you’ll stick to it.” At the conclusion of the class, the couple decided to join Galter LifeCenter as full-time members.
Personalized Fitness Plan: Utilizing Dietitians and Personal Trainers at Galter LifeCenter
Using the information from the evaluation, Maurice and Diane created personalized fitness plans composed of various services at Galter LifeCenter, including a number of classes such as ShockWave and Chair Yoga. “After a good workout you need to get a good stretch in, and I’ve never found anything as helpful as the Chair Yoga classes,” Maurice said. “I have walked into those classes stooped over and left feeling 80% better. It’s amazing.”
To further pursue a healthy lifestyle, Diane sought the advice of Registered Dietitian Kate Kinne at Galter LifeCenter. “Kate really gave me a new perspective,” Diane said. “Maurice and I had been eating a bunch of processed foods, and we weren’t getting all of the nutrients we needed. She helped us improve our diets.”
Diane and Maurice also greatly benefitted from personal training with Delia Arroyo and Luke Cutler. “Certified trainers are always there to help you,” said Diane. “Even if they’re not your personal trainer, they take the time to answer your questions. They know everything about every single machine. It’s amazing.” For Maurice, the variety provided by their trainers was irreplaceable: “I’ve gotten into things I never thought I would, and I’ve experienced more variety than I thought possible.”
Both Diane and Maurice’s trainers introduced them to the rowing machine, which quickly turned into the couple’s favorite cardio workout. “Luke and I have been known to race against each other,” said Maurice. “At the moment, he’s one race ahead of me; however, if you take into account that I’m getting into shape at 61 years old and he’s fit as can be at 26, I’m not doing too bad!”
During their time as Galter LifeCenter members, the couple has collectively lost 110 lbs. and significantly lowered the measures that were high during their initial evaluation. “When I started at Galter LifeCenter I was the heaviest I’ve ever been,” said Diane. “Just one and a half years later and I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been!”
Maurice recently found that he can fit into a number of vintage suits he purchased years before, made possible by a decrease from a 44 to a 32-inch waist measurement. “One of these suits I wore on my first date with my wife,” Maurice said. “I never thought I could fit into it again.”
Beyond the physical benefits that the couple has experienced at Galter LifeCenter, there is an extracurricular component involved in their continual commitment to fitness. “There’s a social aspect to Galter LifeCenter,” Diane said. “There are all types of people with all kinds of situations and all age groups. It’s a safe environment.” Maurice heartily agreed: “When I came to Galter LifeCenter, I never expected to find a family. But that’s what I found!”
Video of fundamental fitness: