Take 16 Group Fitness classes in 60 days and win a challenge prize!
Make a commitment to your health and join us as we launch exciting new workouts of our MOSSA Group Fitness classes! Discover which classes inspire you to improve your quality of life.
Workout with your favorite Galter Life Center instructors from the comfort of your home!
3D30 integrates strength and cardio training to build muscle, burn calories and improve agility.
This program includes a 45-minute water exercise routine geared specifically to those with arthritis.
This class includes explosive cardiovascular conditioning, upper and lower body toning along with some soothing stretches.
Increase your cardio fitness, improve your strength and develop better balance and flexibility while performing exercises using noodles or buoys for a total body exercise experience.
Relaxing aquatic exercise that allows focus on balance and strength using traditional yoga poses in the water.
This class adds high energy Latin music and movement to the basic water workout.
Run, stair climb, lunge and burpee your body strong!
A chair exercise class that will improve your range of motion, flexibility, aerobic capacity and endurance.
This gentle form of yoga uses the chair for support, allowing increased flexibility and joint mobility. Great for beginners and seniors!
Our cycling classes are based on the fundamentals of the precision cycling program. Huge calorie burners that builds great-looking legs!
This class offers a therapeutic approach to yoga offering simple poses/stretches and moving at a slower pace.
This class gives you all the fitness training you need – cardio, strength, balance and flexibility – in just one hour.
Cardio training that uses The STEP® in highly effective, athletic ways.
Grow longer and stronger with an invigorating 60-minute journey of yoga and Pilates movements.
Train like an athlete in 30 action-packed minutes. A strong core, from your shoulders to your hips, will improve your athletic performance, will help prevent back pain and give you ripped abs!
Group Fight burns a ton of calories and builds total body strength.
Sweat with a smile during this energizing dance fitness class.
Using an adjustable barbell, weight plates and body weight, Group Power combines squats, lunges, presses and curls with functional integrated exercises.