Erika H
  • The new normal at Galter LifeCenter

    by Erika Slife Hostetler | Mar 04, 2022
    A new normal has settled over Galter LifeCenter this week as masks became optional for members once the state lifted its mask mandate on Monday. Away went the temperature checks at the door as well. But not all of Galter’s Covid-19 mitigation strategies have gone away.
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  • Your cupboards are filled with exercise equipment!

    by Erika Slife Hostetler | Jun 16, 2020
    For the foreseeable future, virtual classes are here to stay. So, in that spirit, we wanted to share a few tricks to help you participate to the fullest in the some of the strength-training workouts that are on the schedule – which include Group Power and Group Active, Boot Camp and Stretch and Tone. You don’t necessarily need a professional weight set to get a great strength-training burn!
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  • Not together, but never alone

    by Erika Slife Hostetler | Apr 06, 2020
    On March 15, Galter LifeCenter closed its doors to members in wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. With doors shuttered “indefinitely,” as government and public health officials scramble to control the spread of the virus, the reality of an unknown future has left many feeling apprehensive. How do we cope amid this uncertainty, especially when under normal circumstances, we turn to the gym to help exercise the anxiety away?
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  • Each day is a gift

    by Erika Slife Hostetler | Feb 07, 2020
    Eileen, 40, is a survivor of a rare leukemia, mostly found in children. Now six years post chemo treatment, you might find her at Lizzy's Workout of the Week, doing lunges, squats and chest presses on the TRX, never taking for granted how far she has come.
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  • Beating the odds

    by Erika Slife Hostetler | Dec 03, 2019
    Read how an adventurous punk rocker overcame a serious health condition with the help of Galter!
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  • Finding her strength at Galter

    by Erika Slife Hostetler | Aug 01, 2019
    If you’ve been to a recent Group Power class, you may have noticed the quiet, inconspicuous woman to the left of the stage, just in front of the mirror. It is her favorite spot.
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  • Spring into Health!

    by Erika Slife Hostetler | May 21, 2019
    As the weather finally starts to warm up and we begin to turn our attention outward, Galter LifeCenter is here to help with its “Spring into Health” campaign!
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  • Finding your Fitspiration

    by Erika Slife Hostetler | Dec 18, 2018
    Every day, hundreds of people come through the doors of Galter LifeCenter. Some shuffle in. Others burst. Some enter with heads down. Others meet our front desk with wide smiles. But while we all have our own unique entrances into the gym, one thing unites us as we walk through the front door: a motivation to be here. Indeed, one of the inspirational signs in the membership parking lot tells us, “You’ve won half the battle: getting here.” But what’s the other half of that battle? What’s the other part of the story? What drives people to come to Galter?
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  • Welcome to the new Group Fitness Blog!

    by Erika Slife Hostetler | Nov 20, 2018
    Your name is important. And when someone knows your name? Well, it can mean the difference between a stranger and friend, an insider or outsider, or, in the case of group exercise classes here at Galter LifeCenter, the extra encouragement someone needs to return to class again and again.
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  • Life with an Ostomy

    by Kristin Goddard | Oct 03, 2018
    Welcome Back Sophia. ​We’re excited to welcome Sophia back to teaching classes again after a short medical time out. And we are pleased to share Sophia’s inspirational story about overcoming a medical “curveball” with a positive attitude inspired by her many Galter LifeCenter fitness class members.
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"I first joined Galter Life Center because my friend recommended it as a terrific place to workout without the 'gym attitude'." - Willa