
Think outside the candy box

by Kate Kinne | Feb 06, 2020
I love Valentine's Day.  Not the romantic aspect with candlelit dinners and roses (although I'm not opposed to that), but just the atmosphere of love and giving and showing the people you love that, well, you love them!  I always assume that at any holiday, most people are getting plenty of sweets and chocolate, so they probably don't need more from me.  I like to challenge myself every year to come up with healthy, albeit corny, ways to treat my Valentines.  Homemade Valentines are the best, and the "cheesier," the better.  So, work with me here.  Come up with a gift/snack/treat idea, and then think of a silly pun or rhyme to make it work as a Valentine.  Write it on a construction paper heart, and there you have it.  Here are some of my ideas that you can steal, if you'd like.  You can always change the text to make it partner, kid, friend or teacher friendly.  And, yes, I know some of these are ridiculous, which is why I love them so much.  

Non-sweet food treats
You're my cup of tea.  (Attach to box of tea, tea bag or Starbucks gift card)
I love waking up to you.  (Attach to favorite coffee)
You're awesome sauce. (Give with applesauce, good one for kids)
I chews you. (Bubble gum)
I'm nuts about you!  (Mixed nuts, almonds, etc)
I'm going bananas over you. (Banana, obviously)
You make my heart pop.  (Popcorn)
You're the wine that I want.  (Wine bottle)

Non-food related gifts
You are one in a million. (Scratch off lottery tickets)
Read my lips, I love you. (Lip gloss or lip balm)
I nailed it when I found you. (Mani/pedi gift cards)
Read between the lines, you're perfect.  (Book or bookmark)
You're the bomb.  (Bath bombs)
You knock my socks off. (Fun socks)
You complete me. (Puzzle or crossword puzzle books)
You'll always be my Player 1 .  (Video game or gaming gift cards)

Make someone smile, or at least laugh at you.  Happy Valentine's Day!  
Healthy Regards, 

On my 30th birthday I decided to change my health trajectory by joining Galter's Fundamental Fitness program. The personal trainers taught me a holistic approach to health (it's not all about the sweat!), the dietician worked with me to find a non-punitive approach to nutrition, and the massage therapist introduced me to better post-workout care. Now, each time I come to Galter as a member I feel healthier, stronger, part of a positive community and full of life." – Tasha