Personal Fitness Strategy

Galter Life Center wants to provide you with the tools you will need to create a personal fitness strategy (PFS) that is best for you. We offer several options designed to help you build your PFS. 

Fitness Assessment
: Participate in appropriate Fitness Assessments for your age and goals. This can include some of the following assessments: cardiorespiratory, strength, flexibility, movement/balance and body compensation. These assessments, conducted by our highly qualified fitness team, will provide information on your current level of health and fitness, as well as provide recommendations on how to improve and/or maintain them.  

Fitness Consultation: Meet with a fitness professional to discuss your current exercise goals, gain information and guidance necessary to help reduce any barriers that may limit you from fulfilling your personal fitness strategy.

Fitness Assessment / Consultation Fees: Free to new members (first three months of membership); For current members - $25

Both services also include an orientation to the facility and reassessment done six months after your initial appointment.

Fundamental Fitness: A comprehensive eight-week course, which allows you to learn about health, fitness and wellness in a supportive and encouraging environment. This program offers the practical knowledge necessary to create the foundation for long-term success in leading a healthy lifestyle. Recommended for those that know they need to exercise but don’t know where or how to begin.
Fees: Member $50 / Nonmember $100

To schedule your appointment contact the Membership Office at 773-878-9936, ext. 7308, or email Contact Peter Marcy to schedule re-tests or fee tests at 773-878-9936, ext. 3863, or email

"I first joined Galter Life Center because my friend recommended it as a terrific place to workout without the 'gym attitude'." - Willa