Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Exercise

Take Control with Exercise

This program contains water and land classes that are designed specifically for people with arthritis and/or fibromyalgia. We use gentle activities to help increase joint flexibility, range of motion and to help increase overall stamina. This program, however, should not replace a therapeutic exercise program individually prescribed by a therapist. The classes are taught by certified instructors.

Benefits of the program:

  • Reduce Pain
  • Increase Strength
  • Improve Range of Motion
  • Social Interaction
  • Improve Performance of Daily Living
  • Increase Feeling of Well-Being
  • Have more Energy 

What our participants say: 

“I wasn’t mobile, I had terrible pain in my spine and hips. I couldn’t even walk two blocks. The warm water arthritis has helped so much that now I can move without pain.” – Joan L.

“My doctors are amazed at my range of motion and flexibility that is all attributed to my dedication to the warm water exercise classes” – Pauline B.

Click the title of the name for dates and times of classes. 

AAE – Arthritis Aquatic Exercise – This program includes a 45-minute warm water exercise routine geared specifically to those with arthritis and/or fibromyalgia. Improve joint flexibility and coordination; reduce muscle weakness and decrease pain and stiffness.

Aqua Yoga – Relaxing aquatic exercise that allows focus on balance and strength using traditional yoga poses in the water.

Chair Fitness – A chair exercise class that will improve your range of motion, flexibility, aerobic capacity and endurance, while having fun in the chair.

Chair Yoga – A gentle form of yoga utilizing the chair for support. Chair yoga allows for greater flexibility and joint mobility through breath and relaxation techniques. 

How to Join the Exercise Program:

  1. Call 773-878-9936, ext. 7318
  2. Get a referral from your doctor 
  3. Bring the referral to the Courtesy Desk and sign the participant release waiver 
  4. Buy class passes from the Courtesy Desk if you aren't a member 
  5. Attend Class


Free with your membership.

10 visit pass $100
15 visit pass $120



Click here to be contacted about our Arthritis and Fibromyalgia programming>

For more information please contact Rodney Pintang at 773-878-9936, ext. 3913 or email  

773-878-9936, ext. 3913 

"Since joining GLC 20+ years ago, my health and well being have significantly improved. The encouraging, supportive atmosphere at Galter has enabled me to identify my challenge areas, take risks, appreciate the improvements and persevere. I am now more active and fit than I ever imagined I'd be." – Jane