Kristin Goddard | Feb 28, 2017
Today is Fat Tuesday and our Fitness professionals have come up with a workout that will allow you to indulge in a paczki or two without the guilt.
Fat Tuesday Workout
3 lap warm-up
F – Fast feet on the BOSU
A – ab crunches
T – triceps dips
T – TRX plank (to pike)
U – upright rows with Kettlebell
E – External rotation on cable machine
S – sumo squats with Kettlebell
D – Duel arm bicep curls
A – alternating lunges
Y – Yoga stretch like child’s pose
2 lap cool down and stretch
1 donut/paczki = 1 round
2 donuts/paczkis = 2 rounds
3 donuts/paczkis = 3 rounds