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Dr. Saksena specializes in Cardiology and Internal Medicine and has been practicing medicine for 40 years. He has been a member of Galter LifeCenter for more than 10 years and his favorite workouts include swimming and Group Power. If you are new to exercise he recommends starting with a personal trainer who can help you develop a workout. Also try aqua aerobics, swimming, biking and walking a half mile to one mile a day. His philosophy on exercise is that you should participate in regular exercise at a moderate degree of exertion three to four times a week. "As a cardiologist and internist I believe in the importance of regular exercise. I try to exercise 3 times a week either at Galter LifeCenter or running outside (while the weather holds). It's still possible to attend an individual exercise session with a trainer at Galter LifeCenter. Exercise can also be done at home on a regular basis with their virtual classes." -Franklin Saksena, M.D. Visit his full profile here.
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"My last A1C diabetes test showed a reduction from 7.1 to 6.5 -- in the normal range. I was thrilled. So thank you for your help. I wanted you to know that your work does have an impact on people." - Joanne - after nutrition consultations